Pearson Wallace Insurance, LLC
Premium Experience With A Personal Touch

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

 Protecting your Employees in MA

Workers’ Compensation Insurance, or as you probably know it, Workers Comp, is essential for any business in Massachusetts. It not only protects your employees it protects you should someone get injured on the job or in an automotive accident. In terms of business insurance, it’s one of the most important commercial insurance products available to protect your firm. Call Pearson Wallace to set up or review your Workers’ Compensation Insurance today!

Do I really need Workers’ Comp?

Yes! Depending on the state Workers’ Compensation Insurance could be required by law, and even if it’s not any good business should still have it. In some cases there are penalties for not having workers compensation insurance, so contact Pearson Wallace for more information! 


 What does Workers’ Compensation cover?

Great question, we’re glad that you asked! Typically, Workers’ Comp covers all costs related to a workplace injury, this includes medical bills, care costs, and any lost wages due to an injury. As an employer you also have the option to upgrade your coverage and provide insurance that goes above the legal minimum. With an upgraded policy things like legal fees (from a Workers’ Comp claim) and even funeral costs may be covered. If you would like to know what policy is best for your business Pearson Wallace agents are standing by!